

※近期因為原物料上漲,導致本公司的營運成本提高,所以將於明年(112)一月一日起所有新簽約的租賃合約書的電費計價方式將調整:一館(逢甲之心)計費原為一度5元,調整為5.5元;二館(心之逢甲)計費原為一度4元,調整為4.5元;公用電費維持不變一天10元計費,新館(默砌之心)電費亦維持不變一度6元計費。   ※本館租屋預約看房時間: 早上AM 09:00至晚上PM 18:00,請提早一天預約時間看房,臨時約看恕不受理! ※本館最晚租屋簽約時間: 晚上19:00,若超過時間,恕不等待,請閣下明日再過來,謝謝!   ★請點此處即可看到本館所有套房介紹與目前租約狀態★   ※重要公告,因應廠商送洗成本增加,本館自2023年04月01日起租借寢具用品使用,整套租借費用調漲為1000元(整套寢具用品包含:枕頭x2、枕頭套x2、棉被x1、棉被套x1、床單x1,全套共七件),也可分別另外單件承租,價格另計。租用期按照一個月30天計算,不足30天也是算一個月租用期,第二個月開始若仍續用寢具用品,則須強制更換枕頭套x2、棉被套x1、床單x1,並再付400元換洗費;若不願意更換者,本館基於衛生清潔考量可不再租借,另外枕頭與棉被最長可連續租用六個月,滿六個月後也是需強制送洗,若仍續用枕頭與棉被將再收600元租借費,若不願意更換者,本館基於衛生清潔考量也可不再租借。   ※重要公告,本館自2017年04月01日起,入住之房客皆無免費提供寢具用品組給予使用,需另外付租借費用800元,並可使用一個月(第二個月若仍續用,則需再付300元換洗費,僅更換枕頭套、棉被套、床單);寢具用品一組內容包含:枕頭x2、枕頭套x2、棉被x1、棉被套x1、床單x1,全套共七件,也可零租部分寢具用品。另外吹風機與電風扇需另外租借,費用為新台幣100元。   ※公共設施
本館附設:投幣式洗衣機二台、投幣式烘衣機一台,還有公共曬衣場、公共飲水間、公共垃圾分類區、公共吸菸區、並提供公共打掃工具。 ※本館在此聲明,房間內全面禁止吸菸與飼養寵物,若於入住後發現房客違反前項規定者,將扣押金3000元充作清潔費,屢勸不聽者,將強制請房客退租,若無法配合者,恕無法出租,請多包涵,謝謝! 台中月租~最短租期一個月,簽約只需付租金押金各一個月即可入住,住不到一個月也是算一個月的房租,提前退租不扣押金;電費另外於退房時結算,房間電費一度四元+公用電費一天十元(按實住天數計算) ★本館所有套房皆為「純月租套房」並且需簽約付押金,本館設有合法經營之公司行號,可開立發票給予出差的房客公司報帳或報稅,但三聯式發票須外收5%的發票稅!★   ★請點此處即可看到本館所有套房介紹與目前租約狀態★     【請加LINE聯絡,用ID搜尋 0911728810 ,不是加電話號碼唷 !】   ※LINE的名稱:心之逢甲~台中長短期月租套房會館~最近逢甲夜市最佳推薦^_^   「逢甲租屋~心之逢甲~台中月租套房會館」位於逢甲商圈內熱鬧的街道上,位置極為靠近逢甲大學,不但享有最為完善而方便的生活機能,更加擁有便利的往來交通和大眾運輸,位處學區的單純生活環境更是適合學生、上班族或long stay長租者作為長租的根據地。


若有任何租屋上之問題或詳細之出租方式及租金,都歡迎先加LINE詢問。 【加LINE聯絡,請用ID搜尋  0911728810,不是加電話號碼唷!】, ※LINE的名稱:心之逢甲~台中長短期月租套房會館~最近逢甲夜市最佳推薦^_^

台中月租~最短租期一個月,簽約只需付租金押金各一個月即可入住,住不到一個月也是算一個月的房租,提前退租不扣押金;電費另外於退房時結算,房間電費一度四元+公用電費一天十元(按實住天數計算) ※台中月租~最短租期一個月,簽約只需付租金押金各一個月即可入住,住不到一個月也是算一個月的房租,提前退租不扣押金;電費另外於退房時結算: ★一館房間電費一度五元+公用電費一天十元(按實住天數計算); ★二館房間電費一度四元+公用電費一天十元(按實住天數計算); ★新館房間電費一度六元+公用電費一天十元(按實住天數計算) ※房租與電費與其他費用皆可開立二聯式或三聯式發票(三聯式發票須外加5%稅),可於簽約或退租時開立發票。
※本館恕不提供個人盥洗用品:以下物品需請房客自備,如:毛巾、洗髮精、沐浴乳、牙膏、牙刷、梳子、刮鬍刀、衛生紙、垃圾袋、洗衣粉、洗衣精等。   ※附近比較好停車的推薦 [星享道] 文華室內立體停車場,目前月租3000元(詳細價格按業者公告),24小時營業不打烊,採半小時計費,收費方式為汽車平日每小時20元,例假日(星期五、六、日及春節期間),第一小時20元,第二小時起每小時為60元;全日汽車停車費上限平日為360元,假日為500元。請自行跟停車場業者承租,謝謝!
※附近也有公有的戶外收費機車格停車場,月票200元,每日20元。   ※Our home rental booking time: From 10:00 am to 19:00 pm, please make an appointment one day earlier to view the room. The temporary appointment will not be accepted!   ※The latest signing time of the house is: At 20:00 in the evening, if you exceed the time, we will not wait. Please come back tomorrow, thank you!
 ※The guests staying in this hall are not provided with the bedding sets for free. They need to pay an additional fee of NT$800 and can use for one month. (If you continue to use the second month, you will need to pay NT$300 again. Fees); bedding sets include: pillows x2, pillow covers x2, quilts x1, quilt cover x1, sheets x1, a total of seven pieces, can also be rented separately.
※We hereby declare that smoking and pets are strictly prohibited in the rooms. If guests found that they violated the provisions of the preceding paragraph after check-in, some of the deposits will be deducted for cleaning fees. If you do not listen to them, the tenant will be forced to withdraw the rent. If you cannot cooperate, you will not be able to rent. Thank you!   ★ All the suites in this museum are "Perfect monthly flats" and require a deposit to be signed. The library has a legally-operated company number and can issue an invoice to the guest company on business trip for reimbursement or tax return, but the triple invoice must be collected outside the five % of invoice tax! ★   Tel: 0981-638-901 TEL: +886-981-638-901
[Add LINE contact, please use ID search 0911728810, not add phone number!]

※LINE's Name: Heart of the Wind - Taichung Long Term and Short-term Monthly Rent Suite Hall ~ Recently recommended at Fengjia Night Market ^_^
The Feng Chia Rentals ~ Xin Zhi Feng Jia ~ Taichung Monthly Rent Suites is located on the lively streets of the Feng Chia shopping district. The location is very close to Feng Chia University. It not only enjoys the most complete and convenient life functions, but also has convenient access. Transportation and mass transportation, and the simple living environment in the school district, are suitable for students, office workers or long stay long-term renters as long-term rental bases.   "French Fengjia Rentals ~ Xinzhi Fengjia ~ Taichung Monthly Residence Suites" offers a variety of elegant and welcoming long-term rental suites. There are also other public areas such as a clothes yard, a pantry and a smoking area. The elegant and splendid decoration in the room is matched with warm lighting and complete furniture. It provides long-term renters with a quiet, warm and comfortable long-term rental environment. You can enjoy everything you need for food and clothing, and enjoy the highest quality and convenience. Long rent space.
If you have any problems with rented housing or detailed rental methods and rent, please contact LINE.
Tel: 0981-638-901
[Add LINE contact, please use ID search  0911728810, not add phone number!],
※LINE's Name: Heart of the Wind - Taichung Long Term and Short-term Monthly Rent Suite Hall ~ Recently recommended at Fengjia Night Market ^_^   ※ The entire building provides free wireless-WiFi- and wired fiber broadband internet service.
※ 24-hour access control surveillance monitoring system to protect your home safety.
※ The minimum rental period is one month. If the rent is less than one month, the rent will not be deducted. If the rent is not deducted from the deposit, the electricity fee will be five yuan. When the rent is repaid, the electricity bill will be settled. The hotel does not charge the public electricity fee with the tenant, so the electricity fee of the tenant Can be very provincial
※Total rent includes water fee, fourth station fee, internet fee, public environment cleaning fee, garbage disposal fee, management fee...etc.

茶水間&垃圾區&吸菸區(皆位於二樓) 茶水間&垃圾區&吸菸區(皆位於二樓)
洗衣機與曬衣場(皆位於二樓) 洗衣機與曬衣場(皆位於二樓)
心之逢甲~台中月租套房會館 心之逢甲~台中月租套房會館
心之逢甲~台中月租套房會館 心之逢甲~台中月租套房會館


Taichung Rentals, Taichung Suites for Rent, Fengjia Rentals, Fengjia Suites for Rent, Feng Chia Night Market Rentals, Zhongketai Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Rentals, Taichung Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Business Trips, Taichung Dayuan Travel Rentals, Taichung City Department Stores The company's business travel rental, Taichung Zhongke office workers on business trips, Taichung high-speed rail commuter rental business trips, Taichung foreign companies high-level executives on business trips, Taichung to Taiwan tourism long-term rental, foreigners to Taiwan business monthly rent, The temporary business trips in Central Taiwan, and the monthly rents, Japan, South Korea, South East Asia, and Europe and the United States, have come to Taichung to study Chinese at Feng Chia University.

※本館租屋看房時間: 早上AM 09:00至晚上PM 18:00,請盡量提早前一天預約時間看房,當日臨時約看房不一定有空,超過預約時間才來者,恕不受理,請另約其他時間,謝謝。
※本館最晚租屋簽約時間: 晚上19:00,若超過時間,請閣下明日再過來,謝謝!








※ The minimum rental period is one month. If the rent is less than one month, it will be one month's rent. If the rent is not refunded in advance and the deposit is not deducted, the electricity fee will be five yuan. The electricity fee will be charged when the rent is retired. The hotel does not charge the public electricity fee with the tenant, so the electricity fee of the tenant It can be very cheap! The rent includes water fee, fourth station fee, internet fee, public environmental cleaning fee, garbage disposal fee and management fee.

※本館租屋看房時間: 早上AM 09:00至晚上PM 18:00,請盡量提早前一天預約時間看房,當日臨時約看房不一定有空,超過預約時間才來者,恕不受理,請另約其他時間,謝謝。
※本館最晚租屋簽約時間: 晚上19:00,若超過時間,請閣下明日再過來,謝謝!

本館附設 : 投幣式洗衣機二台,投幣式烘衣機一台 公共曬衣場、公共飲水間、公共垃圾分類區、公共吸菸區。






租屋規約: 承租人如有違反本條下列情形之任一項者,房東有隨時終止本契約並要求承租人退租或選擇扣除承租人之押租保證金之全額或部分之權利,並且承租人不得異議且需負擔相關一切法律責任。
Tenancy agreement: If the lessee violates any of the following circumstances, the landlord has the right to terminate this contract at any time and require the lessee to withdraw or choose to deduct the full or partial rights of the lessee's security deposit, and the lessee Do not object and bear all related legal responsibilities.

一、 承租人離開租賃物外出時,應有節能之觀念,請隨手將使用不到的電器等用品關閉,
1. When the lessee leaves the leased property, he should have the idea of ​​energy conservation. Please turn off the electrical appliances and other items that he will not use.
Pay attention to whether the related equipment in the bathroom is leaking, etc., so as to avoid unnecessary expenses.

二、 承租人不可浪費公設水電,應盡到隨手關燈的義務,若有發現浪費公共區域水電之事實,發現違規事實一次罰款壹佰元整(可累記),並立即向承租人收取或從押金扣除。
2. The tenant must not waste publicly-owned hydropower. It should fulfill its obligation to turn off the lights. If there is a discovery of the waste of public utilities, discover that the violation has been fined once and for all (can be remembered) and immediately charge the tenant or Deducted from the deposit

三、 承租人不注重公共環境衛生,造成環境髒亂,以致影響周遭住宿品質時,罰款或退租。
3. The tenant does not pay attention to public environmental sanitation and causes the environment to be disorderly, resulting in fines or lease-out when the quality of the surrounding accommodation is affected.

四、 承租人在租賃物內或其相關公共區域放置易燃性、爆炸性或其他危險物品,以致可能發生公安危險時,房東可要求承租人立即遷移該危險物品,並可要求承租人退租。
4. If the lessee places flammable, explosive or other dangerous articles in the leased property or its related public areas, which may cause public security risks, the landlord may require the tenant to 
immediately relocate the dangerous goods and may require the lessee to withdraw the rent.

五、 承租人將承租之房屋做違反法令或善良風俗之使用時,房東可要求承租人退租。
5. When the lessee uses the rented house as a violation of laws or good customs, the landlord may ask the lessee to withdraw the rent.

六、 嚴禁在房屋內飼養寵物與開伙烹煮食物等;若經房東於退房或住宿期間發現,將扣除承租人押租保證金參仟元整,另可要求承租人立即退租,承租人不得異議。
6. It is strictly forbidden to keep pets in the house and cook food, etc.; if the landlord finds out during the check-out or during his stay, he will deduct the renter’s rent security deposit and enjoin the tenant, and the tenant will be required to immediately resign the tenant. The tenant shall not object .

七、 承租人經常噪音或喧鬧,影響公共安寧住宿品質時,履勸不聽者,扣款或強制退租。
7. When the tenant frequently makes noises or noises and affects the quality of public and peaceful accommodation, those who do not listen to the advice will be deducted or withheld.

八、 嚴禁在房屋內吸煙、吸毒、酗酒、嚼檳榔等;若經房東於退房或住宿期間發現,將扣除押租保證金參仟元整,並可要求承租人立即退租,承租人不得異議。
8. It is forbidden to smoke, drug, alcohol, and chewing betel nut in the house; if the landlord finds out during the check-out or during the stay, the security deposit will be deducted and the tenant will be required to immediately resign the tenant, and the tenant shall not object.

九、 房屋內嚴禁開轟趴、吸毒、賭博、打架、槍械攜帶等違法性行為;若發現此項違法行為,房東有權立即報警處理,並行使解除租賃契約與扣除押租保證金部分或全部之權利。
9. illegal activities such as opening and smashing, drug abuse, gambling, fighting, and carrying firearms shall be strictly prohibited in the house; if this illegal act is discovered, the landlord has the right to call the police immediately and exercise the right to terminate the lease agreement and deduct the security deposit part or all of the rent.

十、 承租人積欠甲方房屋之租金或電費長達十五天以上時,房東可從承租人押租金抵扣之部分或全部。
10. When the lessee accrues the rent or the electricity fee owed to Party A's house for more than 15 days, the landlord can claim part or all of the rental deduction from the renter.

In the special provisions of the above leased property, I (the lessee) and its cohabitants have read in detail and fully understand its contents, and are willing to cooperate with the special provisions of the charter of the lessor (landlord) on the lease terms and the burden of all relevant legal liabilities。

※本館租屋看房時間: 早上AM 09:00至晚上PM 18:00,請盡量提早前一天預約時間看房,當日臨時約看房不一定有空,超過預約時間才來者,恕不受理,請另約其他時間,謝謝。
※本館最晚租屋簽約時間: 晚上19:00,若超過時間,請閣下明日再過來,謝謝!



※附近比較好停車的推薦 [星享道] 文華室內立體停車場,目前月租3000元(詳細價格按業者公告),24小時營業不打烊,採半小時計費,收費方式為汽車平日每小時20元,例假日(星期五、六、日及春節期間),第一小時20元,第二小時起每小時為60元;全日汽車停車費上限平日為360元,假日為500元。請自行跟停車場業者承租,謝謝!

※本館租屋看房時間: 早上AM 09:00至晚上PM 18:00,請盡量提早前一天預約時間看房,當日臨時約看房不一定有空,超過預約時間才來者,恕不受理,請另約其他時間,謝謝。
※本館最晚租屋簽約時間: 晚上19:00,若超過時間,請閣下明日再過來,謝謝!
